Dutch elm disease (DED) is a fungal infection that has wiped out American elms in most of their natural range in eastern North America. Alberta is one of the last places on earth that host healthy stands of these graceful trees. The deadly Dutch elm disease is spread by one of three closely related beetles [...]
What’s the issue? This fall we were getting unseasonably warm temperatures throughout September and early October without our usual frosts. Normally our temperatures begin to drop in September, this combined with the reduced number of sunlight hours helps trigger a seasonal change in trees where they start to prepare for winter by downloading moisture out [...]
Mostly water, really. Many factors play into the health and vigor of urban trees. Ideally, we select a specimen tree at the nursery that is hardy for our zone, we plant it properly in a perfect location in nutrient rich soil, we fertilize and prune and water at all the right times and the tree [...]
Shrubs and trees can be damaged by herbicides in two ways. Herbicide drift results in damage to the leaves of contacted plants downwind of the spray. Herbicides applied to weeds around the base of a tree or shrub may also end up poisoning those plants. Key Points Plants can be damaged two ways by herbicide, [...]
Many animals leave their signs on trees. Squirrels, voles and porcupines may chew off bark for food or medication. Sapsuckers (a type of woodpecker) drill holes in thin-barked trees such as birch to drink tree sap and eat the insects attracted to the ooze. Honeysuckles and other shrubs with shredding bark may be stripped by [...]
Mulch is defined as “A protective covering, usually of organic matter such as wood chips, straw, or peat, placed around plants to prevent the evaporation of moisture, the freezing of roots and the growth of weeds”. Key Points The recommended depth for mulch is 2 to 4 inches. Always keep mulch several inches away from [...]