Pruning is the most common tree maintenance procedure and a specialty of Adair Tree Care. Although trees can grow in a forest with only nature’s pruning, landscape trees require a higher level of care to maintain their function, safety and aesthetics. Properly cared for trees and shrubs can add significant value to your property. Pruning must be done with an understanding of how different types of trees respond to each pruning cut. Improper pruning can cause damage that will last for the life of the tree, or worse, shorten the tree’s life. Our staff is thoroughly trained in the proper methods of pruning. Whether you have a hundred foot poplar or a yard full of young trees we can help you keep them healthy for years to come.
If you would like to try us out, you can request a quote with the button below. Or check out the descriptions below for more information on the different types of pruning we can offer.
Pruning Large & Mature Trees

Care must be taken when pruning mature trees. It is very difficult to change the structure of a large tree. This is because older trees are less capable of replacing the material lost through pruning and wounds on large trees often take longer to heal if they heal at all. The amount of live material that can be safely removed from a tree varies greatly on its species, age and overall health. Generally older trees should have less material removed in any pruning cycle. Large limb removal should also be avoided due to the large wounds it can leave on the trunk of a tree. Removing large limbs on a mature tree can lead to decay problems. The pruning of a mature tree would consist of removal of dead and dying limbs, branches with weak attachments or cracks. Often long horizontal limbs will be reduced or shortened to clear obstacles, reduce end weight and prevent future breakage. An ISA Certified Arborist can help you decide what is possible to achieve while keeping your tree healthy and looking great.
Pruning large or mature trees can be dangerous. If pruning involves working off of the ground, it is best to hire a professional arborist. Mature tree work should only be carried out by professionals with experience working with large trees. It is important that an arborist have properly trained staff, the proper tools and all the necessary safety equipment. A professional arborist should also always carry liability insurance and WCB coverage.

Pruning Young and Newly Planted Trees
Start pruning trees when they are young to encourage good growth from the start. Too many trees are not pruned until they pose a problem. Taking care of the issues a tree has when it is young will keep future problems from arising. Trees that are left for more than 6 to 10 years can develop structural problems. If these problems are left they may become irreversible. It is recommended to keep the pruning cycles short to reduce the size of the wound that is created when pruning. Usually a three year cycle is sufficient for most trees but many shrubs and small ornamentals may require annual pruning to keep them contained.
Shrub Pruning and Shaping
Whether you have formally shaped hedges and shrubs or more natural shrubs that have been left to grow, Adair Tree Care can help achieve the look you are going for. Usually, shrubs should be pruned to encourage their natural form. Shrubs with a tree-like habit are the most difficult to shorten. When shrubs get excessively large or dieback heavily, some species, like cotoneaster, lilac or elder (Sambucus) can be cut to near ground level while dormant and they will grow back the following Spring.