City of Calgary – Urban Forestry Tree Survey

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The City of Calgary has released a survey to be completed by members of the public asking questions about maintaining and growing our city’s urban forest. It asks some great questions, first testing the respondent’s knowledge and opinion of the current state of our trees. It then moves on to questions regarding the care and maintenance of publicly owned trees. Some questions regarding new develpment and re-deveopment in the city. Then there are also questions regarding the possible tracking and inventorying of private trees on private property, for the purpose of creating a permit process for their removal…….

Although there are no details on what this might entail at this point, we have heard opinions from other cities and countries regarding the cataloging of private trees. Usually this would entail setting a minimum size or height for the trees to be recorded. Then assessing the health and state of the tree. Once in the catalog, the city would then require someone (homeowner, developer etc.) to obtain a permit before working on the tree. Permits could be required for any number of things from pruning to removal.

Some obvious concerns could be raised about this, but at this point it is just a survey being conducted by the city. We would be curious to know what you – the homeowner – would think of a plan like this?

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